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Titleist Golf Fitness Assessment

Do you ever wonder if you could become a better golfer? Maybe your body is holding you back from performing the best possible swing??

It has been said that "the golf club is just an extension of the body that is swinging it" - Michael Scott


Pipeline Physical Therapy is excited to offer Titleist Golf Fitness Assessments!


What is a Titleist Golf Fitness Assessment?

How is a Titleist Golf Fitness Assessment performed?

Why do I need a TPI Golf Fitness Assessment?

I have been assessed, so what happens next?

Then you have the tools at hand to best prepare your body to improve your ball striking ability!

If you would like to explore your individual areas for improvement; get in touch with us today for a Titleist Golf Fitness Assessment and Corrective Plan.

Click here to contact us today to schedule your initial visit!


Don’t forget to follow us on social media: @pipelinephysicaltherapy

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