Do you know how to breathe properly?

Have you ever noticed holding your breath as you lift up your grocery bags, or go from sitting to standing, or during exercising? Have you ever noticed with cardio feeling a lot of strain in your neck? These could be signs that you aren’t breathing with your diaphragm or your diaphragm is restricted!
The diaphragm is a muscle located in your lower rib cage. It is the main muscle for inhalation. This muscle also works with your “core” in helping provide pressure management and stability to the abdomen, low back, and pelvis.
The diaphragm is also highly innervated. This means it has a lot of nerve connections and can be used to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Research shows us that the diaphragm stiffens in those with chronic back pain and that chest breathing can mimic our body’s response to anxiety. Diaphragmatic breathing is important for everyone! It is good for the following:
- Trunk mobility
- Pain management
- Mindfulness
- Core strengthening + coordination
- Pelvic floor retraining
- And so many more things!
So how do we do it? Start in a relaxed position; either laying down or reclined. Place your hands at your lower ribs. Take a slow (4 count), quiet deep breath in; focusing on breathing into your hands. Let your belly expand as you inhale. Exhale slowly (6-8 count), gently, and quietly! Repeat several breaths! Keep up the regular practice in your daily life to attain the benefits!
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